Grace Burial Services

Where to bury the dead?

"Christians struggle to find space for cemeteries in Pakistan"

Pakistani Christians are struggling to bury their dead...

Pakistan, whose population is overwhelmingly Muslim, is nearly twice the size of California. Christians in Pakistan make up about 1.5 percent of the population, But Christian leaders, who accuse the government of a deliberate undercount, say a more accurate figure is about 5.5 percent of the country’s 220 million residents.

Whatever the numbers, most Christians are poorly educated and are relegated to living in slums and working menial jobs such as sweeping streets, collecting garbage and picking crops. They are also frequently attacked by terrorists or angry neighbors and their burial sites are being illegally seized by developers at an alarming rate, while efforts to secure new land are rejected. Increasingly, the remaining Christian cemeteries are packed with bodies atop bodies.

“There is discrimination, and that is very much clear and obvious to all of us who live in this country. Christians in Pakistan have been targets of what human rights activists call an unprecedented wave of violence against religious minorities, Here in city Rahim Yar Khan of south Punjab province, the 10,000 Christian families of Rahim yar khan city say the 3 Kanal cemetery they have been using for at least 50 years cannot handle any more bodies.

“We have dug each and every grave over, six to seven times,” “Sometimes we find bones, sometimes skeletons. So we had to look for a different place.” say the residents of the Chrisitian colonies.

To avoid any clash or riots, Muslims and non-Muslims can’t bury their dead bodies in one place.

Great achievement of Grace welfare Foundation:

Evangelist Dr. Samson Mukhtar moved an application to the Deputy Commissioner Rahim yar Khan for allotment of the separate land for graveyard for the Christian community and succeeded for the allotment of 24 kanal land at Village 109/P Rahim Yar Khan. Now Grace welfare foundation needs funds for installation of gate and boundary wall and a guard for taking care of the graves.

Documents of the graveyard land are as under:

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Funeral Services offered by Grace welfare:

  • An average Pakistan funeral cost averages PKR 25000 including the expanses for the grave maker, opening and closing of the grave. Grace welfare Foundation provides funeral services and funeral costs have become unmanageable.
  • Shroud (Kafan) for male and female.
  • Trained male staff for the bath of the dead body. (Bath services for female is dependant on the availability of female volunteers)
  • Arrangements for carrying the dead body and people to the graveyard and Burying of the dead body. Human dignity is a right given by God. We observe certain human rights whether we are alive or dead. Our body is a gift that needs to be taken care of even after we leave this world. Grace welfare foundation understands this crucial aspect and henceforth bears the funeral transportation expanses for the family of the dead.

1st Grave in the Grace (Fazal in Urdu) Welfare Christian Graveyard